GIRI IN-02 Avoiding construction errors at interfaces - Part two: Designing for construction
3.5 hours
Course objectives
This session focuses on methods to avoid errors at design interfaces. The course provides participants with an appreciation for the scale of error in the construction industry and an understanding that design interfaces are a common root cause of error.
The course develops participants’ ability to identify design interfaces, provides an understanding of good-practice in managing design interfaces, and then enables participants to develop an action plan to improve their management of design interfaces, in order to avoid error.
Intended audience
This course is aimed at personnel with particular responsibility for managing design. Typical participants who would particularly benefit from this course include:
- Project managers
- Client's design managers
- Architects
- Designated principal designers
- Design consultant's design managers
- Contractor's design managers
- All designers with liaison responsibility beyond their own discipline
Training is for up to 16 participants.
Relationship to project programme
This course should be run for an individual project. The course should be run when all key designers are engaged, this is likely to coincide with the start of RIBA stage 2.
Learning outcomes
Participants to have an improved understanding of error, having the ability to:
- Explain the cost of error to the construction industry, and the benefits of reducing error.
- Recall the top 'root causes of error' identified by GIRI research and relate these to their daily work.
Participants to have an improved understanding of design interfaces, having the ability to:
- Identify various types of design interface.
- Relate design interfaces to the common root causes of error.
Participants to have an improved awareness of good practice in managing design interfaces, having the ability to:
- Apply the Get It Right Initiative Guide to improving value by reducing design error
- Explain the key elements of other Get It Right Initiative courses, and how these relate to the management of design interfaces.
Participants to identify key measures to improve their management of design interfaces, having the ability to:
- Identify their current processes for managing design interfaces.
- Appraise their current process for managing design interfaces.
Participants will produce an action plan, defining key measures they can take to avoid errors at design interfaces.
Attendees should have attended GIRI IN-01 Avoiding construction errors at interfaces - Part one: Collaboration within the last 12 months.
Training can be delivered by any GIRI Approved Training Provider, using GIRI Approved Trainers. It can be delivered by an individual professional trainer but can also be delivered as as peer-to- peer learning by an experienced industry professional.
The course uses presentations, an interactive Lego exercise, guided group discussion and small team workshops to explore the origins of error about practical tools to help eliminate errors at design interfaces.
The practical Lego exercises enables open discussion about the management of design interfaces. Workshopping in small teams allows the participants to explore the strengths and weaknesses of their current process for managing design interfaces. The key lessons from the session are then related to their findings, enabling all participants to develop a personal action plan, to improve their management of design interfaces and thereby avoid error.
The learning is formally assessed, through the use of an end test.
The certificate is valid for three years.
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