Network Rail: 'Our Principles of Good Design'

Network Rail has published a suite of documents, links and guidance for anyone involved in the design and construction of buildings and bridges on the railway network. 

This includes the core document Our Principles of Good Design, which sets out what the design principles are, as well as why they matter, what they apply to and how they will benefit the Network Rail estate. The ten core principles stated in the document should be analysed, defined and responded to in the development of any Network Rail asset as part of a planned process.

The first stage of any asset’s development should be to analyse and understand the asset and its context as it is currently performing:

  • What areas of the asset could be improved?
  • Who already uses the asset?
  • How can the quality of the asset be enhanced?
  • What is the context of the asset?

The proposed scheme for the development of an asset can then be prepared and should be clearly communicated to Network Rail:

  • Where is the proposed boundary for the project?
  • Who will the development affect?
  • What is the ‘vision’ for the asset’s development?
  • What opportunities are there to add value from the investment?

Once the analysis of the asset and its context has been completed, the information should be reviewed to enable the designer to define the scope of the project and any opportunities to benefit from the investment:

  • What is the proposed development and how does this meet the project’s objectives?
  • How will the proposal contribute to our world class estate?
  • What are the benefits of the development?

If all Network Rail projects follow these principles they will significantly reduce errors and improve productivity for the business.

The full suite of documents can be found via this link

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