Grenfell Tower Inquiry final report published

4 Sep 24

This week saw the publication of the Grenfell Inquiry’s final report, more than seven years after the fire. It is a sobering moment for the construction industry, along with government, the housing sector and public services.

Since the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower, the construction industry has seen significant changes with the publication of the Hackitt Review, creation of a new building safety regulator, and the introduction of new rules to reduce the risk posed by fires. However, there is still much to reflect on and learn from in the Grenfell Inquiry report if we are to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.

The 1,700 page report highlights missed opportunities in the years leading up to the fire and identifies failings in government regulation, the design, testing and marketing of cladding products, and the competence and culture of construction firms.

The report lays bare errors in design and construction that contributed to the fire and loss of life. The inquiry panel called for the construction industry to improve its culture and behaviours to reduce error.

Inquiry panel member Thouria Istephan stated “If you work in the construction industry and you do not feel the weight of responsibility you have for keeping people safe, you are in the wrong job.”

At the Get It Right Initiative, we will reflect on the Inquiry report and continue to work with the sector and with policy makers to drive a zero-error culture with Grenfell at the forefront of our minds.

Read the recommendations of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry on their website at

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