Share your views on the GIRI Design Guide

11 Jun 24
Share your views on the GIRI Design Guide

Have you used the GIRI Design Guide? We want to hear from you.

GIRI introduced the revised Design Guide in 2022. Accessed via a dedicated microsite or as a downloadable pdf, this provides a series of good-practice recommendations to address the root causes of errors that occur in the early stages of construction projects.

It was developed following GIRI's research that established that a significant proportion of the failings that lead to errors in construction are rooted in the project formation and design processes.

The Design Guide is not just aimed at designers. As all parties in a construction project have a role to play in reducing design process error, the Design Guide's recommendations have implications for everyone involved in the industry, from building and infrastructure clients to contractors and their supply chains.

As such, we're keen to hear from architects, engineers, clients and contractors about their experiences of using the Design Guide. Please take a few minutes to complete our short survey.


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