Role of systems in error reduction discussed
18 Nov 20GIRI members joined trainer Nick Francis and Ed McCann online this week to discuss the role of systems and procedures in reducing errors.
The hour-long interactive session was the latest in the ongoing series of GIRI forum events which are intended to prompt closer examination of some of the industry's current practices, both good and bad, and consider how - or even if - they contribute to error reduction.
In this week's webinar, participants were invited to challenge the conventional wisdom that checking procedures and systems are innately positive and have a beneficial impact on error reduction. Audience participation generated a long list of the ways and means by which the construction industry currently carries out checks, and how this varies between different types of organisations.
The participants then rated each procedure and system, positioning them on a graph of effectiveness versus extent of implementation. Notable differences between different types of organisations were apparent, with larger organisations potentially overburdened with systems.
Watch again on the GIRI YouTube channel.