GIRI Error Reduction Framework preview for members

30 Nov 23

A comprehensive framework that brings together existing and custom-developed tools to support error reduction in the construction industry is set to be previewed by GIRI members at its AGM this week, ahead of next year’s full launch.

The new GIRI Error Reduction Framework represents a major investment by the Get It Right Initiative and a key step towards its strategic aim of eliminating avoidable error in the sector. 

GIRI’s research suggests that such errors cost the UK construction industry between £10 billion and £25 billion every single year, and the top root causes confirm that error is closely tied to systemic issues within organisations. Errors are not just a quality issue, they also impact productivity, reputation, culture and organisational health. Addressing them requires support from leadership and active organisational engagement that looks beyond traditional quality improvement schemes and targets behavioural and cultural change.

The GIRI Framework takes into consideration the complexity of issues in the construction industry through its systems-change approach, and sets out three enabler actions that should be carried out ahead of implementation of the framework. These actions are intended to generate leadership support and assess the impact and maturity of error in the organisation.

The framework itself outlines a seven-step methodology that encompasses everything from analysing systems to defining solutions and embedding change. Each step is accompanied by recommendations for custom-built GIRI tools, or conventional business techniques that can be used to deliver it. Taken together, these offer a roadmap through which error reduction can be effectively managed.

The framework is a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their business by reducing errors and fostering continual improvement

Registration will be required to access the framework, although GIRI intends to provide the tools free of charge. Training and consultancy services to assist with implementation are available if required. 

The GIRI Error Reduction Framework was commissioned by GIRI and developed by Expedition Engineering. 

Register your interest here


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