GIRI campaigns gain coverage in the press

2 Nov 23

The issue of error reduction has been given prominence in a number of specialist trade magazines over the last few weeks, with publication of articles about GIRI campaigns and report launches.

Construction News covered the launch of the latest GIRI research report on error-reducing technology with a story this week on its website. 

The report was also given prominence in an article in Infrastructure Global, where the message of culture change being necessary for technology to reach its full potential being brought to the fore.  

The CIOB's magazine BIMPlus covered the fact that Construction Leadership Council is urging clients and contractors to support GIRI's call for defect data that could be used in its pilot project. The GIRI/CLC project is inspired by other successful data-gathering projects, such as those used to address health and safety issues, and late payment. The CLC said both these earlier schemes produced tangible results and had a profound impact on industry culture.

Paul Lowe of Kennedys, who is a member of GIRI's strategic leadership group, wrote in PBC Today about the importance of addressing error, and how the insurance and construction industries could reduce error by working more closely together. The article refers to the GIRI Insurance Guide which was launched in September and includes guidance on how this can be achieved - PBC Today covered the launch of the report with this story. 

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