Decisions, decisions; are you making them count?
2 Feb 21
Time set aside for proper decision-making rarely features in construction project schedules - and yet if decisions are made too quickly, or even if they are set aside for too long, they can lead to errors and rework.
To acknowledge this, the first in GIRI's latest series of free online forums focussed on decision-making and the role it can play in error reduction. Participants learned about the five levels of decision-making, and reflected on how they were manifested within the construction industry.
They considered what characteristics each type of decision had, and what might be the implications of decisions being taken in the wrong way, by the wrong person, or at the wrong level.
Small breakout groups were used to encourage attendees to discuss real-life examples of good and bad decision making that they had experienced; comments were brought back to the wider group for further analysis and discussion.
The hour-long interactive webinar, hosted by Nick Francis of GIRI Training & Consultancy, provided a taster of the participatory exercises, challenges and learning points that feature in the training courses that GIRI now delivers remotely as well as face-to-face.
Three more GIRI forums are planned for February and March - for more details and to find out how to book, please visit our events page.
A recording of the webinar is available to watch again on our YouTube channel.
Find out more about the full suite of GIRI training courses here, or download our brochure here.