Construction technology webinar – what did we learn?

16 Dec 21

Experts from GIRI’s Technology Working Group organised a special webinar in November to discuss the potential of technology to reduce errors and improve project outcomes in UK construction. This is what we learned.

Solutions don’t have to be complex or costly

Harnessing the power of technology to reduce errors and improve project outcomes can be as simple as good information management, said Melanie Dawson from Origin7, lead of the GIRI Technology Working Group.

Read Melanie's three technologies for reducing error.

Digital adoption in UK construction is picking up as a result of Covid

The on-going pandemic has seen more businesses look to digital solutions, although the extent of digital adoption is still low to moderate in most areas, said Abhishek Srivastava from technology company Teknobuilt. He also noted that many companies are implementing multiple point solutions and we need to look at integrating these into an overall strategy.

Read more about digital adoption.

The key to reducing error through technology is learning from data

Collecting data and lessons learned has no benefit unless you do something with it, said Steve Green from Bowmer and Kirkland. He acknowledged the potential of technology to reduce error but said the challenge is making sure knowledge reaches the people who need to it, at the right time and in the right format. 

Read the report on Steve's presentation.

It’s all about how you use it

There isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ approach to technology, as highlighted by the panel debate. Successful implementation depends on understanding the problem, finding the right solution, and making sure you have the people and processes in place. Then there’s the timing, the training, and all the other business systems to consider…

Read the debate report.

View the webinar recording on the GIRI Youtube channel.



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