Collaboration a strategic focus for the CQI

21 Sep 23

Construction needs to win back society’s confidence in its ability to get it right, Steffan Speer, chair of the Construction Special Interest Group (ConSIG) of the CQI, told GIRI members at their autumn meeting on 7 September. He argued that improving quality is an essential component, and it requires collaboration across all the different parts of the industry. Facilitating this is a priority objective for ConSIG.  

ConSIG is the construction-specific group within the Chartered Quality Institute, which is a global organisation covering every industry, and its vision is to create a world in which every organisation thrives, provides value to customers and stakeholders, and to society. 

“Society is a word that resonates after Grenfell,” said Steffan. “How do we ensure that society has the confidence that our sector can deliver quality? That’s our purpose at ConSIG, and we are looking at how we can put the systems, processes, and collaboration in place to help people get quality right.”

Engaging with industry and facilitating collaboration at all levels is a central strategy, said Steffan. “That’s why I am here today. ConSIG will provide leadership, coordinate activities, and promote best practice, because if we don’t share, we are just going to repeat the same mistakes and continue to go round in circles. We will also be inclusive, show integrity, and demonstrate innovation.”

He explained that ConSIG intends to focus on culture and governance. “We want to understand what the future of the quality manager looks like, because the world is changing. Technology is changing people’s roles. We are also looking at competence. The CQI has a competence framework for chartered quality managers, but how does that align with the PAS standards for principal contractor and principal designer?”

Environmental protection is another linked priority, he added, because ‘get it right’ quality management is vital for a sustainable industry. “If we get quality right, we will help improve environmental protection, because we won’t be repeating mistakes and doing things twice, three times, wasting materials and effort.” 

Steffan closed by inviting all GIRI members interested in quality management to consider getting involved. “ConSIG has 1,800 members all focused on these themes around culture and governance and the future of our role in construction. We have a lot of synergy with GIRI, we can collaborate and do wonderful things to help ensure that society is confident this sector can deliver right.”

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