GIRI online members’ forum & free training session
Location: Online
Date: Thursday 23rd April 2020
Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Cost: Free (Free to GIRI members)
GIRI is launching a series of online events aimed at supporting the industry during the current crisis and managing the subsequent transition. In this time of great upheaval we believe that avoiding errors and improving productivity will make a critical difference to business success. GIRI's expertise is now more important than ever, as we grapple with conditions that create a ‘perfect storm’ for errors, and try to survive delay and disruption on an unprecedented scale.
Please join us for the first of our online events hosted by executive director Tom Barton. This interactive webinar will focus on how GIRI members are dealing with the current situation, and invite feedback on how we can support them during this time.
The forum also includes a short training session led by Nick Francis of GIRI Training & Consultancy which will focus on the root causes of error. This topic is common to all GIRI training courses and participants will consider how the current situation relates to the root causes of error, and how we can use this understanding to survive, and then thrive, through the Covid 19 crisis.
Participants will:
- meet with other industry professionals – hear how they are dealing with the current situation and how they plan to manage the transition back to normal work;
- be updated on recent and planned GIRI activities;
- benefit from an interactive training workshop addressing the root causes of error in the context of the current crisis;
- have the opportunity to give feedback on what they need from GIRI, both during and after the COVID 19 crisis, and give feedback on the event itself.
The webinar will be hosted by GIRI on Zoom. Only 30 places are available and they will be allocated on a first-come basis to GIRI member companies.
Please email to register, and include ‘GIRI forum registration’ in the subject line of your email. Joining instructions will be sent out before the event.
Deadline for registration is 12.00 on 22nd April. Click here to download the flyer.
For all queries please contact