Coming out of lockdown

Location: Online

Date: Wednesday 17th June 2020

Time: 4:30pm - 5:30pm

Cost: Free

For those having recently returned to work or who are planning to return, what will that work environment look like and can we really be expected to just turn up, switch on and go?

'Coming out of lockdown' continues the recent series of webinars organised by CQI NI, providing attendees with the opportunity to listen to and share views from those companies already in the start up/ramp up phase. 

What have they done to ensure product quality and service is not compromised? 

What challenges have they faced in returning/ ramping up and how have these been overcome/ planned to be overcome?

In addition to our guest panel, CQI NI is delighted to be hosting this event in conjunction with CQI West of Scotland, whose members will bring their own perspective to the discussion.


Kristian Hill: Chair CQI NI Network

Tom Barton: Executive director, GIRI

Siobhan Murphy: Head of quality, Brett Martin

Mark Hutchinson: Managing director, Hutchinson Engineering

Zara Arif: HSE country leader UK & Ireland, Honeywell


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