GIRI SM-02 Reducing errors on construction sites - Part two: Planning skills
3 hours
Course objectives
This session is the second of a two-part course. This session enables participants to: relate the root causes of error to their daily work; understand the importance of effective planning in order to avoid error during construction; apply various techniques to effectively capture project information; develop and validate practical plans; demonstrate effective communication of design information and construction plans; develop an individual action plan to improve planning and avoid error.
Intended audience
Supervisors and managers who are directly responsible for the delivery of construction work on site, and designers with a responsibility to consider construction. Participants who will particularly benefit from the course include:
- 'Black-hats'
- Site foremen
- Site supervisors
- Site engineers
- Graduate engineers
- Graduate quantity surveyors
- Site managers
- Agents and sub-agents
Training is for up to 16 participants.
Relationship to project programme
Project managers should consider offering this course to staff who are actively engaged in the delivery of a project (ie to include the subcontract workforce).
Learning outcomes
As a result of attending this course participants will have an improved understanding of error, in relation to their work, having the ability to:
- Explain how the root causes of error relate to their daily work.
- Provide examples of where they have applied the concepts of 'Build it in your brain' and 'Press pause to avoid error' in relation to preventing construction errors.
Participants attending this course will have have improved planning skills, having the ability to:
- Explain the steps required to effectively plan for construction, in order to avoid error.
- Identify common causes of error during planning.
- Apply various techniques to effectively capture project information.
- Explain various techniques to develop and validate plans for construction.
- Demonstrate techniques to effectively communicate design information and construction plans.
Participants will develop individual action plans identifying key measures they will take in their daily work to improve planning, and thereby avoid error.
Attendees should have completed GIRI SM-01: Reducing errors on construction sites - Part one: Supervision skills within the preceding 12 months.
Training can be delivered by any GIRI Approved Training Provider, using GIRI Approved Trainers. It can be delivered by individual professional trainers, or as peer-to-peer learning by a pair of experienced industry supervisors and managers.
Techniques for planning are explored through short presentations and guided group discussion, relating theory to their practical experiences from site.
Techniques for 'getting information', 'planning' and 'communicating' are tested in the classroom setting through interactive group Lego exercises. Structured questioning is then used to identify lessons from the exercises and relate the key learning points to their daily work.
Participants work in small groups to reflect on the most significant actions they can take to improve planning. Participants each produce an individual action plan in the back of their workbook, to define the key actions that they will take to improve planning, and thereby reduce errors.
The learning is formally assessed, through use of an end-test.
The certificate is valid for three years.
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