GIRI PL-02 Strategies to eliminate error for leaders of construction projects - Part two
One day
Course objectives
A full-day interactive training course for leaders of construction projects to: understand the consequences and common root causes of error; identify personal actions to eliminate error within their projects and teams; and define group actions to improve processes and communication, to systematically eliminate error throughout the planning and delivery of construction projects.
This training is suited to project leadership teams. This training empowers leadership teams to set the conditions for error avoidance on their projects and enable the embedment of all other GIRI training throughout the wider organisation.
This training should be repeated at 4-6 month intervals, and at major project milestones, to review progress and update action plans, based on the results from previous training workshops.
Intended audience
This training is intended for project leadership teams who have previously attended GIRI PL-01 Strategies to eliminate error for leaders of construction projects – Part one, to include all consultants, sub-contractors, and key stakeholders. Typical attendance for a project leadership training session would include:
- Client (or client’s representative)
- Project manager
- Design manager
- Quantity surveyor
- Cost consultant
- HR/training/recruitment
- Principal contractor
- Principal designer
- Consultants
- Sub-contractors
- Environmental manager
- Quality manager
- Planner
- Key stakeholders (local authority, Network Rail etc.)
The training is designed for groups of up to 16 participants.
Learning outcomes
Participants to have an improved understanding of error, in relation to organisational leadership, having the ability to:
- Explain the cost of error to the construction industry, and the benefits of reducing error.
- Recall the top 'root causes of error' identified by GIRI research and relate these to their organisation’s projects
- Describe the role that organisational leaders play in identifying and preventing error.
- Quantify the potential benefits to their organisation of reducing error.
Participants will have an improved awareness of leadership behaviours that will reduce error, having the ability to:
- Explain the concept of 'helpful disagreement' and identify how their behaviour can empower others to prevent error.
- Explain the concept of 'build it in your brain' and 'press pause to avoid error', and how these concepts can be embedded within a team.
- Explain the 'interface triangle', and how this can be used to pre-empt error.
Participants will have an improved understanding of processes, and how these relate to error, having the ability to:
- Assess their existing processes in terms of 'effectiveness' of process, and 'implementation' of process.
- Identify practical measures to improve their processes in order to reduce error.
Participants will have an improved understanding of effective communication, having the ability to:
- Explain the six steps of communication and relate this to the communication of information on their projects.
- Describe and use appropriate questioning techniques to eliminate error.
Participants will have an improved ability to pre-empt error on their projects, having the ability to:
- Identify optimism bias and explain how this relates to construction.
- Describe and use the '5 whys' and 'pre-mortem' techniques.
- Recognise and use the 'concern – cause – countermeasure' process to counter optimism bias on their projects.
Participants will identify personal actions that they can take to reduce error on their projects.
Participants will agree a group action plan to counter optimism bias and prevent error on their project.
Whilst there are no pre-requisites, this course is designed as a follow up to a GIRI PL-01 Strategies to eliminate error for leaders of construction projects – Part one course and will reflect on the content of the previous session for the project.
Training can be delivered by any GIRI Approved Training Provider, using GIRI Approved Trainers. It will normally be delivered by an individual professional trainer.
During the first half of the training participants use group discussions, video content and guided conversations to explore the consequences and causes of error, and the likely cost and impacts of error on their project. They then explore how behaviour, process and dialogue all have a role to play in eliminating error.
In the second half of the training, participants conduct a pre-mortem exercise on a selected aspect of their project, to develop a targeted action plan to pre-empt and eliminate error.
The learning is formally assessed, through the use of an end test.
The certificate is valid for three years.
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